Frequently asked questions
The most common questions we get from our clients
Your spray tan lasts about 7 days, the better hydrated your skin is, the longer is will last.
The products used create a gradual and even fade, much like a normal tan created by the sun. The face tends to fade faster.
It is best to wax or shave 24 hours prior to your spray tan
An orange tan is a result of too much DHA applied to the skin or from your bodies PH level being off. Your tan will be professionally sprayed by a spray tan tech and will NOT be orange.
YES! It is very important to keep your skin protected from the sun with a tan safe SPF!
The Custom you rinse after 12 hours, the Rapid would be rinsed in 1-6 hours, depending on desired results.
It is up to you and your comfort level! Some ladies prefer to wear underwear, some prefer to be completely naked. We do have disposable thongs onsite for your convenience. MALE CLIENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR UNDERWEAR.
A note from your midwife or doctor would be required.
YES! We just make sure to avoid the nipple area. Rapid is strongly suggested for breastfeeding mothers!
All clients under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the consent form. A parent or legal guardian must be present in the room during the treatment.
Shave or wax to remove unwanted body hair.
Moisturize before bed to give an extra boost to your skin health.
Shower as normal, then exfoliate entire body (starting from the top, working to the feet!) with an oil-free exfoliant to remove unwanted residues and return your skin to its cleanest state- those exfoliating gloves work great!
* DO NOT apply deodorant, makeup, fragrance oils, colognes, moisturizers: these create a barrier
Remove makeup, deodorant, etc. (if you did apply them) with sluff exfoliating wipes.
Pull hair away from face and neck, and secure with a hair tie, and remove jewelry.
DO NOT apply barrier cream, prep sprays, PH Balancing sprays: these create barriers.
* Wear darker colors, but avoid drawstrings, ball caps, tight-fitting jeans and leggings, tight shoes with straps that will rub (flip-flops are great), rough fabrics, or anything that will make you sweat after your spray tan. Expect to skip the bra entirely!
If you are letting your tan develop while you sleep, were a loose long sleeve shirt and loose long pants to bed. Avoid wearing socks or a bra and avoid sleeping in a hot and sweaty room.
If the forecast looks like rain on the day of your spray tan appointment- BE PREPARED!
- Take an umbrella
- Take rain boots or UGG boots
- Take long loose pants and a long sleeve top
- Hide hands in gloves or hide in your sleeves
- A loose poncho or raincoat is always winner!
Avoid anything that will get your spray tan wet (exercising, swimming, hot room yoga, rain, etc.
DO NOT apply moisturizers, try to avoid fragrance oils, colognes, make up, deodorant,
DO NOT keep touching your skin to check your tan, this will transfer solution to your palms
When it is time to rinse off: USE WATER ONLY.
DO NOT use soaps or shampoos on initial rinse!
Maintain your tan with spray tan safe moisturizer, or DHA-infused Tan Extender, use twice daily- Avoid moisturizers containing alcohol, mineral oils or parabens.
Apply additional moisturizer after anything that will dry out your skin (working out, ocean water, hot tubs, chlorine pools, excessive sweating, etc.)
Your face will fade faster than the rest of your tan: use a DHA-infused Tan Extender to maintain a flawless, even tan. Apply at night before bed for best results.
Remember: Your tan will last longer the better you treat your skin!